Technical Assistance

We see technical assistance as an opportunity to be in contact with our customer every step of the way.

Since 2013, our expert technical assistance service has been available free of charge, with priority given to operators who have attended our training courses.

Ours is a “project-based” approach, irrespective of the size of the area that we will be working on together. We have therefore created an assistance service organised over three functional levels in order to manage the various stages of work encountered on all sites:

  • ASSISTANCE FOR DRAWING UP ESTIMATES, via our “SOS preventivi” estimating system (supplied during our “Resin-Finish Operator Course“) or our “customized cycles” for drawing up estimates, specifications and technically accurate reports with realistic cost assessments;
  • ON-SITE ASSISTANCE provided by technical experts who can be contacted by phone and – where required – can also come to the site itself while the work is under way;
  • ASSISTANCE DURING THE FINAL STAGE OF SITE WORK to assess the work done, and its adequacy, and pinpointing where improvements may be made if required, with information on the recommended products for maintaining the surfaces… or, quite simply, so that we can take photographs of your site for publication!

Do not hesitate to contact the ELEKTALAB service. We would be delighted to help!


Send an email to elektalab@gruppogani.com with the information specified below. We shall reply within around 24 hours with your personalised cycle including a specific assessment for the site in question, estimated quantities and the costs of the materials to be used.

This service is available free of charge, with priority given to vendors and operators who have attended our
Resin-Finish Operator Course”.

For a customised cycle, please submit the following information:
